Controversy Surrounds The “Official” Count of Mail-In Ballots
By The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, 06 June, 2023
In an interview with Emerald Robinson, Controversy Surrounds The “Official” Count of Mail-In Ballots, the following issues were discussed.
Stenstrom and Hoopes have multiple cases going back a few years. This one is focused on the 2023 primary election.
This team observed less than 10,000 ballots counted on the day of the election. And by 8PM that night there were more than 24,000 ballots. They were refused access to the ballots.
In their legal brief they state that citizens are allowed by law, Act 77, to have access to the ballots. And, this ACT also defines that the voter signatures are not private.
Greg Stenstrom said that he was at the conference with the recently vindicated whistleblower, Jesse Morgan back in 2020.
Hoopes and Stenstrom’s hypothesis is that the real ballots that people fill out are completely substituted with counterfeit ballots. the question is where are these counterfeit ballots coming from? There would have to be 100s of thousands of counterfeit ballots would have to be filled out in “boiler rooms and other special places across the country.
The Jesse Morgan case is proof that 100s of thousands of mail in ballots were shipped into Pa and are still being produced in Pa before elections. And those fake ballots are being substituted for peoples’ real ballots.
On the night of the 2020 election, they put in 100,000 fqke mail in ballots through the system. Stenstrom and Hoopes found 70,000 real mail in ballots in the back room.
Those that use the fake ballots are trying to fundamentally change the American system through elections. And they have gone to these centralized counting centers and they are using them to stuff drop boxes. This is how they are completely changing the vote.
#Leah Hoopes #Greg Stenstrom #Emerald Robinson #Mail in ballots