Home Breach of Trust Vaccine Manufacturers Railroad Products through FDA while Raking in Pre-Purchase Revenue

Vaccine Manufacturers Railroad Products through FDA while Raking in Pre-Purchase Revenue

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Vaccine Manufacturers Railroad Products through FDA while Raking in Pre-Purchase Revenue

by Dr. Peter McCullough | Sep 3, 2022 | Health, Politics

Pfizer and BioNTech announced on August 22, 2022, that they submitted the application to U.S. FDA for Emergency Use Authorization of their Omicron BA.4/BA.5-Adapted Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine.1 On June 29, 2022, Pfizer announced a new vaccine supply agreement with the U.S. government.2 Under the agreement, the U.S. government will receive 105 million doses (30 µg, 10 µg, and 3 µg).

This may include adult Omicron-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccines. The doses are planned to be delivered as soon as late summer 2022 and continue into the fourth quarter of this year. The U.S. government will pay the companies $3.2 billion upon receipt of the first 105 million doses. Under this agreement, the U.S. government also has the option to purchase up to 195 million additional doses, bringing the total number of potential doses to 300 million.

“As the virus evolves, this new agreement will help ensure people across the country have access to vaccines that may provide protection against current and future variants,” said Albert Bourla, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pfizer. Bourla has not acknowledged or explained the 1223 deaths that occurred within 90 days of the first release of his vaccine, as revealed in court-ordered documents.3

Meanwhile, Moderna, Inc., recently announced that the U.S. government has secured 66 million doses of a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine booster candidate, mRNA-1273.222, the bivalent booster candidate containing Spikevax™ plus the Omicron BA.4/5 strain mRNA.4 The contract includes an award of up to $1.74 billion for the manufacture and delivery of 66 million doses of mRNA-1273.222, as well as options to purchase up to an additional 234 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine booster candidates from Moderna.

“We are pleased to extend our successful collaboration with the U.S. government,” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna. Bancel is the billionaire CEO who previously led French Conglomerate BioMérieux in building the biosecurity level-4 annex to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It is widely understood that both FDA applications will have no safety testing of the product for reactogenicity, carcinogenicity, or teratogenicity.

These products are effectively being “railroaded” through the FDA at a time when the COVID-19 Omicron secondary wave is winding down, and only undertreated patients end up in the hospital. Given this background and the financial windfall to both companies, it should come as no surprise that Moderna has filed a patent infringement case against Pfizer.5

This case may shed considerable light on the development of the mRNA vaccines that involved the companies and the US NIH, BARDA, DOD, DARPA, and the CCP.6,7 This work must have preceded the pandemic viral release by many years.8 No matter what happens with the lawsuit, for Americans, there will be no clinical trials for vaccine efficacy in humans.

For the first time in regulatory history, a novel genetic product(s) has been pre-purchased by our government for use in Americans with no assurances whatsoever on safety or efficacy. These acts of reckless regulatory malfeasance are unprecedented, and Americans should understand clearly, that administration of these vaccines, whether voluntary or under some form of duress such as an employment or school mandate, places the liability squarely on the person who accepts these shots into their body.

We can expect for those taking more vaccine injections that 15% will develop a new medical disease or problem, and 85% will be apparently fine.9 Rates of all-cause death are expected to rise with no recognition of the new health threat injected — the COVID-19 vaccine.10 We have a great show this week with our featured guest, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, MBBS, who is working to expose big pharma in the U.K. and worldwide. He is bright, young, articulate, and is in the British public eye and ”brings it” to the Report.11

So let’s get real, let’s get loud; on America Out Loud Talk Radio, this is The McCullough Report!

The McCullough Report: Sat/Sun 2 PM ET Encore 7 PM – Internationally recognized Dr. Peter A. McCullough, known for his iconic views on the state of medical truth in America and around the globe, pierces through the thin veil of mainstream media stories that skirt the significant issues and provide no tractable basis for durable insight. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on Apple, Android, or Alexa. Each episode goes to major podcast networks early in the week and can be heard on-demand anywhere in the world.


1 https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-submit-application-us-fda-emergency-use
2 https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-new-agreement-us-government
3 https://phmpt.org/
4 https://investors.modernatx.com/news/news-details/2022/Moderna-Announces-New-Supply-Contract-With-The-U.S.-Government-For-An-Initial-66-Million-Doses-Of-A-Moderna-Bivalent-Covid-19-Booster-Vaccine-With-Options-For-U.S.-Government-To-Purchase-Up-To-An-Additional-234-Million-Doses/default.aspx
5 https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/08/26/1119608060/moderna-sues-pfizer-over-covid-19-vaccine-patents
6 https://www.medicalcountermeasures.gov/barda/barda-covid-19-response/
7 https://www.darpa.mil/work-with-us/covid-19
8 https://www.wearetheprey.com/
9 https://childrenshealthdefense.org/press-release/15-of-american-adults-diagnosed-with-new-condition-after-covid-vaccine-zogby-survey-finds/
10 https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/05/undeniable-spikes-that-correspond-with-the-shots-all-cause-mortality-is-the-one-data-point-that-cant-be-manipulated-video/
11 https://doctoraseem.com/

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Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist managing the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas, TX, USA.

Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection,” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 56 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has extensively commented on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill, America Out Loud, and FOX NEWS Channel.

On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, in 2021-2022, the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate, and South Carolina Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response. On January 24, 2022, Dr. McCullough co-moderated and testified in the US Senate Panel “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” chaired by Senator Ron Johnson. Dr. McCullough has reviewed thousands of reports, participated in scientific congresses, group discussions, and press releases, and has been considered among the world’s top experts on COVID-19.

#VACCINE #covid #Dr. McCullough #McCullough

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