Home Constitutions Bill of Rights Advocacy: Federal & State The Persecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

The Persecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Well-known attorney Reiner Fuellmich is being detained under terrible conditions for reasons that have nothing to do with what he is accused of...He soon recognized the COVID crimes against humanity and on July 10, together with three other lawyers, Viviane Fischer, Antonia Fischer (no relation) and Justus Hoffmann, he created the “CORONA INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE” in Berlin, whose aim was to shed light on the actions of governments, institutions, the medical community, etc. in the context of the C-19 pandemic.

by USA Citizens Network
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The Persecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


Robert W Malone MD, MS
Sep 03, 2024

USA CN third party re-publication 10/9/24


Written By: Cynthia Salatino and Seba Terribilini

Well-known attorney Reiner Fuellmich is being detained under terrible conditions for reasons that have nothing to do with what he is accused of.

He had the courage to speak out on the truth and he is now paying for that courage.

He is, without any doubts, a political prisoner!

We need to spread the word regarding this scandal in order to put pressure on the orchestrators of these events in Germany.

I will give you an overview of the situation, but to start with, let me briefly summarize who Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is.

Reiner Fuellmich, 66, has been a trial lawyer in Germany and California for about 30 years and has always defended consumers and small and medium-sized enterprises against large corporations.

He has won major cases against Volkswagen (the diesel issue), Kühne und Nagel, and Deutsche Bank, for which Fuellmich himself worked, and which he defines as “one of the largest criminal organizations”.

During the lockdowns in 2020, Fuellmich and his wife were in their ranch in California, but as the situation appeared to them to be quite strange, they decided to return to Germany to find out what was really going on.

He soon recognized the COVID crimes against humanity and on July 10, together with three other lawyers, Viviane Fischer, Antonia Fischer (no relation) and Justus Hoffmann, he created the “CORONA INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE” in Berlin, whose aim was to shed light on the actions of governments, institutions, the medical community, etc. in the context of the C-19 pandemic.

The main questions Fuellmich sought answers to were:

· how dangerous is this virus?

· how reliable is the PCR test “recycled” by Drosden?

· what damage is being caused to the world’s economy by the lockdowns?

Fuellmich conducted a vast series of interviews (approx. 400) and consulted nearly 150 scientists and experts from around the world in all fields, such as:

· Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier,

· Famed American cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough

· Dr. Mike Yeadon (ex vice-president of Pfizer)

· Dr. Judy Mikovits (scientist)

· Dr. Robert Malone (American biochemist and pioneer of the mRNA technology)

· Forensic pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson

· German forensic pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt (who, together with a group of pathologists, performed autopsies on vaccinated persons)

· Dr. Astrid Stückelberger (scientist and researcher)

· Dr. Simone Gold (founder, America’s Frontline Doctors)

· Dr. Antonietta Gatti (scientist)

· Dr. Mattias Desmet (psychologist)

and many others.

He also consulted financial experts, historians, investigative journalists and writers, such as:

· Ernst Wolff (writer, journalist and finance expert)

· James Corbett (writer and investigative journalist)

· Matthew Ehret (writer and journalist)

· David Icke (writer and journalist)

· Naomi Wolf (journalist, writer and US political consultant)

Fuellmich also interviewed other very influential persons, such as:

· Vera Sharav (Holocaust survivor and human rights activist)

· Catherine Austin Fitts (Former US Assistant Secretary for Housing and Urban Development and financial expert)

· Calin Georgesco (former high ranking member of the United Nations)

· Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò (Archbishop)

· Pascal Najadi (former Swiss banker and current film producer who denounced the president of the Helvetic confederation, Alain Berset)

and many, many others.

His investigations led to the conclusions that the COVID “emergency” was never about public health, as there was no pandemic. If anything, one can speak of a “PCR test pandemic”.

It was precisely thanks to these tests, which generated more than 95% false positives, that it was possible to inflate the number of COVID “cases”.

According to Fuellmich, this was the fundamental point on which allegations of intentional wrongdoing by the governments of most nations worldwide could be based.

Furthermore, all governments have acted and are acting against the interests of their citizens and are evidently under the control of the large, multinational corporations and NGOs that Fuellmich henceforth referred to as “Mr. Global”.

Mr. Global has committed and is still committing, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest crime against humanity.

It is important to mention that most of the interviews conducted by Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer were taped in Berlin via Zoom.

Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer however, only participated at the very beginning.

In the summer of 2022, Fuellmich left Berlin and spent several weeks in the USA where he embarked upon the “Crimes against Humanity” speaking tour, together with Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Richard Fleming and Patrick Wood.

His absence from Berlin led to some dissension among the members of the “Corona Investigative Committee”. In autumn 2022, Viviane Fischer who, together with Fuellmich was the most active member of the committee, ousted Fuellmich from the committee without forewarning. This action was done by way of a Zoom meeting, and was done in a deceptive manner. She told Fuellmich that the Zoom meeting, which had already been planned, would no longer take place.

Instead, the scheduled Zoom meeting was held, and in that meeting she informed the participants that there were some irregularities which needed to be clarified, and that the Corona Investigative Committee would continue without Reiner Fuellmich.

Fuellmich only learned of this afterwards.

After some time, he then started his own new project: the ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee).


Before being ousted from the Corona Committee, aware of the imminent threat of seizure of the Corona Investigative Committee’s bank accounts by the German government, and the fear of no longer being able to use the funds raised by private donations to continue the Committee’s very important work, Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer decided to protect the donations by purchasing gold for the value one million Euros.

They also each took a personal loan in order to secure the funds: €700,000 (Fuellmich) and €100,000 (Viviane Fischer). These loan agreements were made in writing by way of signed contracts.

Viviane Fischer repaid the loan in installment, starting in mid-August 2022 and ending in October 2022.

In that same period, Reiner Fuellmich was negotiating the sale of his home in Göttingen, which was expected to sell for €1.350.000. Part of this sum was to be used to repay the loan.


In the meantime, however, since Reiner Fuellmich’s bank accounts had been frozen, he delegated Marcel Templin (attorney-at-law, partner of Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer) to manage and supervise, amongst other things, (1) a class action project which Fuellmich had been working on; and (2) the sale of Fuellmich’s home.

Reiner Fuellmich’s home was indeed sold, and the money from the sale ended up in Marcel Templin’s bank account, thus preventing Reiner Fuellmich from repaying the €700,000 loan. This gave Antonia Fischer, Justus Hoffman and Marcel Templin the opportunity to accuse him of having embezzled funds from the Corona Investigative Committee.


Reiner Fuellmich had traveled to England to interview a former British Secret service agent.

Upon his return to the United States, he was denied entry, no doubt due to his activities exposing the true nature of the COVID emergency measures.

Denied entry into the U.S., Fuellmich and his wife went to Mexico where they remained for a few months while attempting to resolve the many problems which had arisen.

As they had lost their passports, they applied for new ones and were instructed by the German embassy to go to Tijuana to pick up the new passports.

Seeing as how the embassy was closed for remodeling, Fuellmich and his wife were told to go to directly to the airport to pick up their new passports.

Once at the airport, the Mexican police took Reiner Fuellmich into custody with the excuse that he did not have a valid passport/visa. He was then put on a flight (paid for by the German government!) to Frankfurt, where he was arrested and told that a European arrest warrant was pending on him.

Strangely, his wife –who allegedly had the same problem with her travel documents– after having spent the night in jail, was released and allowed to remain in Mexico, where she is to this day.

As it ends up, there was NO international arrest warrant, NOR any formal extradition process in place. This means that Fuellmich was abducted under false pretenses.

A week after his arrest in Frankfurt, Fuellmich was transported to the maximum-security prison in Rosdorf, where he remains even today in custody.

All motions to have him released on bail were rejected.

In the past 11 months or so, there have already been 28 hearings, and in each one of these some startling and baffling facts have come out about what is going on.

Of the initial 18 charges made against Fuellmich, only one remains: that regarding the personal loans. The judge, Carsten Schindler, decided that he DOES NOT CONSIDER them to be personal loans, despite the written and signed contracts.

In fact, judge Schindler considers these loans to be fictitious loans and, on May 3 he announced that for him the facts were already clear; that Reiner Fuellmich had acted in bad faith and had embezzled those funds.

He also stated that he intended to convict Fuellmich at all costs, and that there was no need to hear the testimony of any other witnesses for the defense.

His conclusions are based almost exclusively on the inconsistent testimony of Viviane Fischer.

It is important to note that, up to that point, the witnesses allowed to testify were almost exclusively those of the prosecution.

However, the key witness, namely Marcel Templin –one of Fuellmich’s accusers!– into whose bank account the money from the sale of Fuellmich’s home ended up—WAS NOT CALLED TO TESTIFY!

The defense, stunned by these statements made by Judge Schlinder, requested a stay of proceedings and was given time until June 10 to bring forth further evidence and witnesses.

Another very important thing to mention is that one of Fuellmich’s defense lawyers, Dr. Christof Miseré, had come into possession of a dossier of the German secret services, in which it is clearly stated that Fuellmich must be stopped at all costs and in every possible manner, and that this must be accomplished by “INFILTRATING PEOPLE AMONGST HIS CLOSEST COLLABORATORS” !

It was also their stated objective to convict Fuellmich in order to prevent him from seeking public / political office in the future.

This dossier, given to Miseré by a whistleblower, demonstrates that Reiner Fuellmich was already under special surveillance as far back as 2021.

Obviously, the prosecutors as well as the judge do not believe that this dossier is real.

It should also be mentioned that there is a whole series of evidence (e-mails, written by the young public prosecutor John) which speak of the “dirty job” done behind Fuellmich’s back by his accusers.

“The court’s statements sound like a prefabricated declaration by an entity similar to the Stasi (former East Germany secret police), without any legal dogmatic basis.

The most legally pathetic proceedings of the last 30 years”

Statement of Christof Miserè, lawyer of Reiner Fuellmich dated 18th May 2024

Coincidentally, this same prosecutor John was later transferred from Hanover to Göttingen, after the then-prosecutor in Göttingen, who had been asked to investigate Fuellmich, HAD CLEARLY STATED THAT THERE WAS INSUFFICIENT BASIS FOR INVESTIGATING REINER FUELLMICH!



May 5 was Reiner Fuellmich’s birthday and, to convey support for him, a celebration (authorized) was organized in his honour, right in front of the prison entrance.

Supporters and participants were told that Fuellmich would have his daily hour of outdoor activity between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. At that hour, the group of supporters played music and sang in order that Fuellmich would hear them from the courtyard and be made aware of their presence.

Indeed, a voice shouting “freedom” was heard from the courtyard, and Fuellmich’s supporters were overjoyed.

It was only the following Monday that it came to be known that, immediately following the hearing the previous Friday, Fuellmich had been denied his hour of outdoor activity and was taken to a different prison cell, and put in solitary confinement.

He spent the entire weekend in solitary confinement and was prohibited from contacting his lawyers, which clearly is against German law and human rights of detainees.

He was also prohibited from contacting his wife.

This punishment was justified by an alleged (anonymous) “tip” that Reiner was recording audio messages to be sent outside the prison.

His jail cell was searched from top to bottom, with the use of dogs, looking for a mobile phone or a recorder!

It should be noted that Fuellmich had permission from the judge to record phone messages as early as November 2023!

Here is a short message from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, dated May 10, about what happened on the weekend of his birthday:

https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/1357 (The video link is in Telegram)

Personal note:

If, at the beginning of the proceedings, there was still hope that this trial would be conducted justly and fairly, that hope vanished for good on May 3!

Here is another short statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, dated May 28, regarding the situation of the trial:

https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/1393 (The video link is in Telegram)

(The video link is in Telegram and I do not have a way of saving them in a different format)


From June 10, Reiner Fuellmich is escorted by armed security officers in armored vehicles from the prison to the court and back.

In addition to handcuffs attached to a belt, he is also put in ankle shackles and asked to wear a bulletproof vest (the latter of which he declines to wear).

It was also aggressively requested of him to give a blood sample, for a purported case of tuberculosis in the prison.

Fuellmich steadfastly refused to be injected by needle or to undergo any medical procedure for any purpose.

At this point, the defense filed a motion of objection against Judge Schindler, asking that he be removed from the case and replaced, given his blatant bias.

As could be expected, the motion was rejected.

On June 11 Reiner Fuellmich was once again put in solitary confinement, where he remains to this day.

He is not allowed to have any contact with fellow inmates. The stated reason for this measure was that Fuellmich, in conversing with this fellow inmates, was giving them legal tips, something his incarcerators could not tolerate.

He is forced to eat alone, spends his free time outdoors (1 hour/day) in complete solitude, is not permitted to use the gymnasium and can only use the telephone when the other inmates have returned to their cells.

Here is another statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, dated June 12, on the topic of the latest on goings in the proceedings against him as well as on current world events:

https://t.me/bitteltv/26837 (The video link is in Telegram)

Here is a short statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, dated June 29, on his current situation:

https://t.me/bitteltv/26984 (The video link is in Telegram)

On June 20, it was believed that Judge Schindler and the panel of judges had planned on concluding the trial, but their attempt to do so was thwarted by the intentional absence of Fuellmich’s defense lawyers.

On July 10, Judge Schindler, given the failed attempt to conclude the trial three weeks earlier, assigned Reiner Fuellmich an additional public defender, Tobias Pohl.

Defense lawyer Katja Wörmer filed a new application for a review of Fuellmich’s detention, demanding an immediate halt of the proceedings and the release of Reiner Fuellmich.

On July 19, judge Schindler decided that future hearings, rather than being conducted verbally, must be conducted in written form, thereby violating the basic principles of transparency of public legal proceedings.

The defense, claiming this motion unjust and illegal, once again filed a motion of objection against the entire panel of judges.

Requests of the defense to hear those witnesses named in the original indictment and subpoena, to question the prosecutor, and to question additional witnesses were also all rejected by the court.

The court justified this refusal by stating that any further testimony by witnesses was irrelevant to the clarification of the facts or of the sentence.

Personal note:


Here is a statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, dated July 24, with a clear message:

https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/1518 (The video link is in Telegram)

On July 31 Reiner Fuellmich filed a new motion of objection against the judge and the entire panel of judges due to the persistence of the proceedings being held in “written” instead of oral format.

After almost three months, two defense witnesses were finally admitted.

Here is a statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, dated August 5, on the ongoing process and current world events:

https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/1537 (The video link is in Telegram)

On August 6 a new request was made to put Viviane Fischer on the witness stand, but the court rejected this request.

The defense, having asked that the motivations for the rejections of the motions presented be made known, was told by the court that those motivations would be made known at the time of the verdict, thus making it impossible for the defense to address those motivations while the trial is still ongoing.

This procedure is unfair and illegal.

Reiner Fuellmich, once again, filed a motion of objection against the entire panel of judges regarding the order to conduct the proceedings in “written” form instead of verbally.

Here is a statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, dated August 19, on current world events and the situation in Göttingen:

https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/1548 (The video link is in Telegram)

On August 23, Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (lawyer, advisor of the Corona Committee) was allowed to testify. He confirmed that the personal loans were indeed backed by valid loan agreements, and that Reiner Fuellmich had also made known from the start that the funds were put into his real estate property for the sole purpose of keeping them secure.

Furthermore, Schwab confirmed that Fuellmich had always intended to return this money to the Corona Committee, as soon as his home was sold.


On August 28 an additional attorney joined the defense team: lawyer Edgar Siemund, expert in corporate law.

Unexpectedly, with the trial still underway and evidence for the defense yet to be presented, the judge instructed the prosecution to make its closing statement.

The prosecution has asked for a guilty sentence, with 3 years and 9 months of detention for Fuellmich.

On August 30 two more defense witnesses were finally heard.

The first testimony showed that:

· Viviane Fischer and Reiner Fuellmich both wanted to secure the funds from the donations;

· Viviane Fischer knew that the group of accusers wanted to sue both herself and Fuellmich, which is why she quickly repaid her part of the loan, three weeks before the impending lawsuit.

· Viviane Fischer knew that Fuellmich’s money would be invested in his real estate.

· Viviane Fischer never had any doubt that Fuellmich would pay back the €700,000 to the Corona Committee.

The second witness, a lawyer who worked at Fuellmich’s law firm for many years, confirmed that:

· Reiner Fuellmich had already intended to sell his property in Göttingen, and that the money generated from the sale was to be used to repay the loan;

· Fuellmich intended to continue working in his law firm even after the sale of the property.

Personal note:

The insinuations that Fuellmich wanted to sell everything to flee to Mexico with the money are unfounded and utterly ridiculous!


· The deportation of Reiner Fuellmich from Mexico was disguised as a legal extradition. It was not;

· Fuellmich has been in solitary confinement since June 11, for an accusation which is the equivalent of a misdemeanor.

· All trial motions presented by the defense, with few exceptions, are continually rejected and the motivation for those rejections will not be made known until the time of sentencing.

· Proceedings conducted in written form is a violation of the principle of transparency in a public trial and of the defendant’s right to be heard.

· All motions of objection against the judge and the entire panel of judges are continually rejected.

· REINER FUELLMICH HAS BEEN IN PRE-TRIAL DETENTION FOR NEARLY 11 MONTHS. The maximum length of pre-trial detention in Germany is 6 months!

Personal note:

If not an outright obstruction of justice, we are witnessing nothing less than an inquisition!!!

A detailed explanation by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from September 1, 2024 on the current proceedings, divided into four statements.


CLOSING COMMENT: the death of Reiner’s mother

We received the sad news that Reiner Fuellmich’s mother passed away yesterday morning, September 2, 2024.

Fuellmich had been previously informed that his elderly mother was ill and bedridden, and that it was only a matter of time before she passed away.

He had made a written request to the prison be taken to his mother’s bedside in Bremen so that he could see her one last time.

The prison was willing to grant him this request, on the condition that he would have to visit her in handcuffs and shackles, accompanied by armed penitentiary guards. Unwilling to subject his mother to additional suffering during their final moments together, Reiner did not accept those terms. Even at the cost of never seeing his mother again, he was not willing to subject her to the further anguish of seeing her son in chains.

One can only imagine his grief, not only for having lost his mother, but for not having been permitted to visit and hug her one last time. It is not known whether he will be permitted to attend her funeral services.

All we can do is send him our comforting thoughts and prayers.

The defense filed a motion to suspend the hearing scheduled for September 3. The court postponed the hearing to September 6, granting Reiner exactly three days of bereavement.

I am asking people to please crosspost on Substack and share this article on social media. We need to bring public attention to what is happening in Germany. What has happened to Reiner Fuellmich is an outrage and must not be allowed to continue.

Thanks for reading Who is Robert Malone! This post is public so feel free to share it.


Since this matter has been given, at best, very marginal attention by the media (go figure!), we believe that the time is well overdue to bring out into the open this obstruction of justice –a modern-day inquisition in a kangaroo court– of an innocent man who is clearly a “problem” for Mr. Global, as Reiner himself would call the powers-that-be which are influencing the violations being made by the German court

-Cynthia Salatino and Seba Terribilini


If somebody wishes to write to Reiner he would be extremely happy receiving letters from his beloved USA. Here is the address:

JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke, 8

37124 ROSDORF (Germany)

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