Re: SCOTUS Case 24-430 Rule 22 and Rule 23 Filings Submitted
Status Update 5:56PM US EST (GMT5) on Rule 22 and Rule 23 packages:
It is is clear from phone calls to SCOTUS clerk; USPS and UPS status updates; and rejection of packages by DOJ, that they are going to stick with their play book of delaying and try to obstruct filings from getting to Justices Alito and Thomas.
Clerk Harris intercepted and is obstructing USPS filings from being sent directly to Justices Alito and Thomas chambers, and DOJ is going to continue to reject receipt of USPS filings and pretend they do not exist. The UPS filings might have gotten through, but based on slim amount of information gleaned from calls today, Clerk Harris solely controls what calls and packages get to the SCOTUS justices contrary to law and local rules. Details and remedies below.
- USPS package to Alito and service package to SCOTUS Clerk picked up 0740 (7:40am) at Washington, DC district post office by S ROBINSON
- At 1645 (4:45pm), status of USPS package to Thomas was also updated on USPS website that it had also been picked up at 0740am by S ROBINSON, having changed from being “out for delivery” to “picked up” (I saved screen captures of statuses)
- Called SCOTUS 5x throughout day and Switchboard will only allow me to speak with Clerk’s office. Clerks who earlier would not identify themselves would not acknowledge any receipt or updates or that packages were forwarded directly to Justice Alito in accordance with Rule 22 procedures.
- Switchboard operator stated she was required to route all calls and filings through Clerk Harris’ office, and cannot route me to chambers, or the Public Information Officer (PIO), or Marshal of the Supreme Court, contrary to documented procedures to address or communicate with the Court.
- Last call to clerk at 4:45pm who was first to identify himself (as “Mike”) stated they will not process anything until January 2nd soonest, and to call back then, and he would give message to case analyst Emily Walker to call me back today (she has not returned any calls since October 8th, 2024).
- I stated on recorded call with Mike that Rule 22 and 23 applications were emergency filings by definition, and Clerk was required to forward packages directly to Justices, and I asked what the procedures were for ensuring they went directly to Justice’s chambers. He said all packages were processed in mail center. I asked Mike why the packages for Justice Alito and Clerk Harris were picked up at 0740am, while the package to Justice Thomas which was also at the USPS office was apparently left behind. He stated he didn’t know.
- Shortly after Mike and I spoke at 4:45pm, the USPS status for Thomas’ package was updated on the USPS website from “out for delivery” to picked up at 0740am by S ROBINSON.
- I asked Mike if SCOTUS was open tomorrow and he said yes, from 9am-5pm. He would not respond further and just hung up after that.
- Case worker Emily Walker did not call back, which has been par for course since 08OCT, and documented in Rule 22 enclosure.
- The United Parcel Service (UPS) packages direct to Alito and Thomas Chambers were delivered to the SCOTUS mailroom and signed for at 1300 (1:00pm) US EST (GMT5) by J FLANAGAN.
- As discussed above, clerks, including “Mike” will not confirm receipt or forwarding of packages to Justices.
- USPS Service packages to Garland (US Attorney General) and Perlogar (Solicitor General) sent to DOJ building have following statuses as of 5pm: ” We were unable to deliver your package at 3:21 pm on December 30, 2024 in WASHINGTON, DC 20018 because the business was closed. We will redeliver on the next business day. No action needed.
- DOJ offices are open M-F from 9am-6pm.
- From long experience, the play here is that DOJ (like many other government litigants we have sued and been sued by) will try to quash case saying they were not properly served.
- Been down this road multiple times and a government office that is open for business cannot reject USPS mail and lawful filings. They will object, as usual, and we will respond, as usual. A procedural service objection will never fly with SCOTUS with this case, and has not in precedentiary past. The fact that DOJ did not respond to 04OCT Writ on Nov 18th, 2024 isn’t going to help them.
- Service was perfected by both Supreme Court Press and Petitioners.
- Not concerned that DOJ doesn’t want to accept filing, as the only requirement for service is that it is sent via certified USPS first class mail and delivered during open office hours. In fact, it is encouraging that they are playing this game, as it shows they have no other game to respond.
- If this is the DOJ’s sole play – to argue procedural service errors – it will only bolsters our case, assuming it is eventually seen by Alito and Thomas.
Letters to SCOTUS Marshal and PIO will go out overnight USPS tonight or tomorrow morning.
Looking for a willing SCOTUS barred lawyer to file electronically, or Paxton or like State AG to submit an Amicus Brief.
Will need to engage alt media next two to three days.
One of the reasons I included BCC’s on a handful of statuses today is because this is a typical day, and just a Monday for me, on a single subject, with another 30-50 irons in the fire, emails that need to be composed, calls that need to be fielded, and other case filings and updates across multiple jurisdictions, counties and states, with only a handful of volunteers, and next to zero financial assistance. FYI – It cost over $300 to print and bind the filings, $300 to send via USPS and UPS, and 80+hours to prepare, research, compose, and assemble just these Rule 22 and 23 filings, and PA Supreme Court and federal filings need to go out tomorrow at similar cost.
There is (was) a strong possibility that the certification of the Nov 2024 election will be obstructed on Monday, Jan 6th, by criminal elements in our Congress, which regardless of whether these cases and filings actually reach their judicial marks, might prevent that from occurring. Hence – these efforts are far from “futile,” they may just go unseen and unknown to most. Nevertheless, they must be done, and the overt obstruction by the administrative clerks and DOJ, and their responses (or lack of required lawful responses) are clear indicators that we are over the target.
Still in the fight. Semper Fi.