Home Constitutions Bill of Rights Advocacy: Federal & State The Forge with Harrison Pitt | Ep. 4: The End Times? | Victor Davis Hanson

The Forge with Harrison Pitt | Ep. 4: The End Times? | Victor Davis Hanson

discuss the collapse of Western self-confidence in a multipolar world, how mass immigration erodes the meaning of citizenship, and the fateful last words of all dying civilisations: ‘It cannot happen here.’ Would a victory for Donald Trump in November amount to an awakening from our complacent slumber? And could a second Trump presidency avert what might otherwise befall us: the end of everything? *This episode was filmed before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on 13 July, 2024.*

by USA Citizens Network
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The Forge with Harrison Pitt | Ep. 4: The End Times? | Victor Davis Hanson

The End of Times Hanson Transcript


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