Proof The CDC Knowingly Lied When Claiming The mRNA Vaccines “Reduce Hospitalizations And Deaths.”Twitter user @TheChiefNerd recently compiled published evidence supporting my assertion that the vaccinated were systematically being documented as unvaxxed when entering U.S hospitals.**Please follow @TheChiefNerd on Twitter, their posts are always excellent and informative, and their work on the below issue belied a deep search and reading of the published literature. Note also that his tweet thread on the topic received 1.4 million views and my retweet alone received 223,000 views. Let’s start with recalling this meme: In the above, I highlighted the last remaining “narrative” that the corporate controlled CDC and media desperately clung to over the past two years in order to be able to continue to coerce the U.S population into submitting to an experimental nanoparticle gene therapy. Note these tumbling narratives were all directed at combatting vaccine hesitancy, which, from the pandemic simulation exercise “Event 201,” was the primary objective of the vaccinators. Also, remember that, of the more ridiculous attempts to promote this last remaining narrative, Fauci and Walensky repeatedly claimed that 99% of patients in hospital and dying were the unvaccinated. They literally did this with a straight face, knowing that they were including in their numerator all the deaths that occurred prior to the start of the vaccination campaign. Yup, if you died in 2020, before the vaccines were rolled out, those two reported you as dying in an unvaccinated status. Not subtle. But their faulty arithmetic was not the only lie. At the time of that narrative launch, during a lecture, a CDC slide deck mistakenly showed a slide which revealed that 26% of patients in U.S hospitals were vaccinated (not 1%). But this number was falsely and fraudulently lower than the actual number. By a long shot. Hence the point of this post and not Fauci’s and Wolensky’s absurd “arithmetic.” Evidence The CDC Knew Their Data Was Fraudulent First know that in the most popular electronic medical record (EMR) system in the U.S (EPIC), on the sidebar of every page in the chart are the name, demographics, room number, provider team, and COVID vaccination status of the patient. What I found weird from the outset was that, in the mutiple hospitals I worked in that used EPIC, there were only two categories under the COVID-19 vaccine status section, “Vaccinated” or “Unknown.” There was no “Unvaccinated” status. Also realize that “Unknown” was interpreted on the ground in real-time by all providers as akin to being “Unvaccinated” (including myself for a time). As a critical care doc running ICU’s throughout Covid, I vividly recall the day that I admitted my first patient whose EMR indicated that he was “Vaccinated.” That day was in (approximately August-September of 2021), a full 9 months after the start of the mRNA campaign. He died by the way. Anyway, I remember thinking, “How odd?” Why did everyone I had taken care of in the ICU in 2021, except this one, have an “unknown” vaccination status? How could that be? Even if the vaccines worked really well (which I knew they didn’t), something was off, like really off. I suddenly started getting the fantods because I suspected I was yet again uncovering another massive Covid lie being constructed by our “government” and its media. The reason why I was so uneasy is that, at the time, I already knew that other countries and health ministries were more transparent with public health data showing vaccination status. Our group of Covid experts were finding their data showed that there were far more vaccinated in the hospital than unvaccinated, especially when controlling for % of the population vaccinated at the time. See, I knew that it could simply not be true that in a 9 month period, only one patient that I took care in the ICU was “fully” vaccinated. I had initially suspected something was off as early as February 2021 when one journalist found data showing that the majority of hospitalizations and deaths in the UK (even when adjusted to rates per 100,000) had been the vaccinated. I just compiled a separate post of even more data supporting this point so as to not overly lengthen this one. The data I compiled in the above post was the opposite of what I was “experiencing” in U.S Hospitals and the opposite of what all of my colleagues and most of the U.S population were led to believe about the vaccines, i.e. that only the unvaccinated (er, “unknown”) were filling hospitals. This belief was further solidified when CDC Director Rochelle Wolensky kept trotting out this chart in her national TV appearances: First issue with the chart above (which I will not go into in depth here as it is too complex and time-consuming of a data analysis for me), is that they were also constantly “moving the goalposts” of what it meant to be up-to-date for vaccination, i.e. first shot vs. first “series”, 1st series plus booster etc. Most importantly, you were not considered vaccinated until over 14 days had passed since your jab. Since so many vaccinated were oddly falling ill right within that 2 week post-vax time frame the chart above is already on shaky ground. So, although the arbitrary definitions of “vaccinated” certainly inflated the efficacy of the vaccines, it was not the main reason for the corruption of the U.S aata. The point of this post focuses on a more simple and more powerful “trick” that they pulled. Now, my older subscribers (bless all of you) may recall that on June 14, 2022, I published my first post of a lengthy series I called “Nursing Reports From the Front Lines Of The Vaccine Catastrophe” (reviewing it just now, I found it is the 2nd most popular post in the history of this Substack) That post arose from conversations I was having with an anonymous senior nurse colleague at a major academic medical center who powerfully described to me the severe disassociation, dysfunction, and extreme self-censorship she was witnessing amongst both the physicians and nurses in regards to the problems with the vaccines. In those conversations I was finally able to confirm what I had suspected was occurring within U.S hospitals regarding the accuracy (or willful inaccuracy) of the vaccination status listed in the medical record of a patient newly admitted to the hospital. My hypothesis at that time was that the EMR systems in use in the U.S were categorizing only those vaccinated at a physicians office within the hospital’s EMR system as being vaccinated, i.e. by a physician employed by the hospital. In conjunction with this, I suspected that patients who received their vaccine from another location (pharmacies, jab centers, health departments, schools) were not being recorded as an “official vaccination” in the hospital. These patients were instead placed into the “unknown category.” I also found it odd that they did not have a third, separate “unvaccinated” category as well. You know, for those who courageously, proudly, and boldly (some would also say stupidly) reported they were unvaccinated upon admission to a hospital. Weird right? Only having two categories? “Vaccinated” and “unknown?” Given that my cynicism towards the vaccines and our health agency officials by that time knew no bounds, I was similarly convinced that the CDC were thus using this system so they could categorize anyone vaccinated outside of a hospital system as “unvaccinated” in their “official” analyses as above. So, I reached out to a few people to investigate further, one of whom was my sometime writing partner, the investigative journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer. She made an attempt to get questions answered by EPIC but could make no headway. My nurse colleague tried to get some documentation from her IT department contacts, but besides an inadvertent verbal admission this was happening, we had no “hard evidence.” The most compelling evidence of how this process worked came from interviews like this CHD one with nurse Gail McCrae (starts at 17:30) and this Greg Hunter one with Dr. Betsy Eades. Anyway, here is where @TheChiefNerd’s recent work comes in. Although he covers the issue more concisely in his tweet thread, I wanted to lay out the evidence more clearly as below. EVIDENCE THAT THE CDC METHOD FOR DETERMINING VACCINATION STATUS WAS FRAUDULENT Basically, from Wolensky’s CDC chart below, ChiefNerd clicked the link under the chart which said “learn more about this data”, highlighted in red below: There, he was brought to an Our World In Data website which looks like this: You then have to click the circled link above which is simply and subtly titled “Links” and you are brought to this page on the CDC website below: The information we are looking for is actually under the “read more” link above, meaning that they put this info under a drop down and not simply straight on the page as an introduction to the data set. Poor choice or willful hiding? You know what I think. Anyway, lo and behold, what did @TheChiefNerd find? First he found this section below where he correctly highlights the critical sentence which begins to support my hypothesis above: The way we both read the above, although not explicitly stated, is that this “unknown” category which was so prevalent in so many EMR’s in this country, was being used to document people who verbally reported that they had received an “outside vaccination” as “unvaccinated.” Neat trick eh? It was actually worse than that. Based the several nurse reports and interviews I referenced above, even when patients presented their actual CVS card, they still were categorized as “unknown.” @TheChiefNerd then found a paper from March 2021, from the largest engineering publication in the world (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) which specifically called out the interoperability between EHR’s systems (i.e. hospitals and pharmacies): From that paper:
I think they only got part of the story because, again, this is what really happened to those CVS cards, from my previous post with anonymous Nurse Linda on this issue:
@TheChiefNerd uncovered more evidence from a paper published in JAMA Open in April 2023: From the paper:
Further, they reported that 44% of “unknowns” were actually previously vaccinated, a number which not only destroys the validity of Wolensky’s famous chart, but I believe it is also a gross underestimate due to the fact this paper found that a significant number of pharmacists were not entering Covid vaccines in their states IIS. @TheChiefNerd goes on to say the following, which is news to me, because I had only ever noticed two categories in EPIC, not the four that the study he found mentioned: He also excerpts this doozy: In response to this paper’s publication in April 2023, @TheChiefNerd finds yet another example of the consistent, pathetic, and I would argue criminal absurdity of the CDC. In the CDC document with the dropdown link I presented above, this is how it now reads when you click on the link: (update underlined in red) So, within a month of that paper in JAMA, the CDC stopped posting the false data. Why not? The whole Covid vaccine mRNAcampaign is pretty much over as evidenced by the minimal (albeit non-zero) uptake in the latest Covid boosters. I cannot emphasize enough how damaging to human life and livelihoods it is when our Federal Agencies propogate brazen lies to further the interests of Industry. In my opinion, it was this EXACT lie which led the vast majority of U.S doctors to become convinced that the only people dying in hospitals were the unvaccinated. They then aggressively insisted (with good intentions?) that all of their patients, friends, and families to get vaccinated. Further, it made many health care workers themselves get vaccinated out of fear of dying. Which is what happened. It is also why a large percentage of the population (at least the ones I meet at lectures, conferences, and symposia) no longer want to see a “system doctor” or go to a “system hospital,” no matter how grand their brand/reputation once was. They could see the lies and thier doctor’s couldn’t. Information asymettry for sure. Fun fact: a long-time donor of large annual gifts to the Mayo clinic.. decided to direct their donation to the FLCCC last year and this year because they felt the Mayo Clinic had departed from their founding principles and mission. Go FLCCC. The system docs behaved this way because they saw with their own eyes, “the (false) reality” of what would happen if you were unvaccinated. This, combined with the medical journal propaganda publishing only favorable and selective analyses of vaccine efficacy and safety drove nearly all the nation’s doctors to go completely mad. Never forget what the U.S along with almost every advanced health economy in the world lived through: The physicians fervor to vaccinate everyone and everything, even in patients who just recovered from COVID, was something to behold. I saw overt hectoring, harassment and even rage. Twitter was one of the most terrifying places to watch doctors arrogantly propagate the need to be vaccinated.. even for folks who had (often hard-earned) natural immunity. I almost feel bad for some of those docs as history will not judge them kindly. Forgive them for they know not what they do. They were literally screaming across Social Media, Media, and Medical Journal editorials, that you will be OK if you just get vaccinated. The high profile docs were the worst, except I have little sympathy for them as most were complicit in the deception rather than just fooled like the rest. Folks like Eric Topol, Peter Hotez, Tom Marks, Alastair McAlpine, Tom Friedan (who I used to deeply admire as NYC Health Department Commissioner), Eric Feigl-Ding-(bat), Jeremy Faust (probably the biggest ignoramus on Twitter, having taken an early lead in that competition since the pandemic broke in 2020), and Monica Gandhi. Leana Wen deserves particular ire as she is the most active prostitute for the Pharma-captured federal health agencies on mass media. A media darling as it were. You even started to see doctor walk-outs protesting the unvaccinated, increasing numbers of doctors publicly stating they would start refusing to see unvaccinated patients, heck, the Pharma controlled outlet called Medscape even got an ethicist to argue that it was OK to refuse to treat the unvaccinated. Yup. Crazy town. Clown World. One of my patients who is a hospital pharmacist even told me that at her hospital, the hospitalists were vaccinating patients that had been admitted for they were being discharged from the hospital. That’s right, as the patients were being discharged after having recovered from COVID, they were recommending and administering (outdated) vaccines for the same illness. I even heard of one case where a team of clinicians decided to vaccinate a severely ill COVID patient in the ICU. I also witnessed aggressive attacks in one of the nation’s largest medical-centers staff physician email forum. Doctors “screaming” that everything would be fine if everyone just got the damn vaccine. Deriding anyone bringing forth arguments about untested safety, suspicious efficacy data, and concerns about mandates violating patient autonomy and medical ethics. Anyone who brought forth “adverse data” towards the vaccines were treated with dismissal and a retaliatory posting of selectively favorable data with the imprimatur of the Pharma captured agencies and Pharma captured journals. I will never forget this time in the history of medicine. Ever. P.S If you appreciate the time and effort I put into this Substack and in educating the the public, support in the form of paid subscriptions would be greatly appreciated. I just want to say that writing this Substack is only one of my jobs, and I put a lot of work into it (at the cost of sleep and personal time). I believe in an ethos of paying people for their work but I do not require payment as I almost never place any content behind a paywall. If you love this Substack, get value out of it, and believe in paying people for their work, consider a paid subscription. Thanks, Pierre |
Proof The CDC Knowingly Lied When Claiming The mRNA Vaccines “Reduce Hospitalizations And Deaths.”
“Dr. Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings”
Wed 1/31/2024 12:11
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