Home Election Integrity Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger’s job is to make sure elections in his state are conducted freely, fairly, and can be trusted.

Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger’s job is to make sure elections in his state are conducted freely, fairly, and can be trusted.

Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger is a no-show in the single greatest election fraud case in U.S. History happening in his state, under his watch.

by USA Citizens Network
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Fri 1/19/2024 10:11


Lindell Offense Fund

Hello from Mike Lindell,

Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger’s job is to make sure elections in his state are conducted freely, fairly, and can be trusted.

Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger is a no-show in the single greatest election fraud case in U.S. History happening in his state, under his watch.

Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger has pled the fifth amendment—refusing to talk during the single greatest election fraud case in U.S. History in his state, under his watch.

Joe Biden supposedly won Georgia by 11,779 votes. Out of nearly 5,000,000 votes cast statewide.

Over the coming weeks, an Obama-appointed judge is going to decide the fate of electronic voting machines in Georgia.

Here’s why:

Fulton County, GA, the most populous county in the state (with Atlanta) has not even one digital record of all in-person votes cast in its original results.

Not a single ballot purportedly case during early in-person voting was witnessed to and signed off by poll managers, as required by Georgia election rules. Seals were broken and memory cards removed from tabulators for the results of these 315,000 votes, were printed out on different machines than the ones that tabulated them. This prevented the reconciliation of how many votes were cast on each machine.

The ballot images of these votes, along with the rest of in-person ballots cast on Election Day, were destroyed.

The vote in Georgia was counted three times: the original machine count, a statewide hand recount, and a second machine count. Each time the state, and in particular, Fulton County, reported three different results.

Fulton County did not count the same ballots during the original count and the machine recount. There are 19,541 distinct ballots that appear in one machine count but not the other.

Thousands of fraudulent “presidential only” ballots were injected into the second machine count, with huge margins favoring Joe Biden. Ballots that are blank except for the presidential contest were counted in batches together, with the pattern appearing in at least eight counties, including Fulton. This means that Georgia did not have the votes to justify its original Election “results.”

All of these facts are being weighed at the Georgia Supreme Court, and Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger can’t be bothered.

Restoring trust in our elections—and how we save our Republic—is simple:

End the Machines and return to Paper Ballots, Hand-Counted. Period.

It works.

Argentina used Paper Ballots, all 25 million votes were hand counted the same day, and the results were reported on Election Day, just a few hours after the polls closed.

Taiwan did the same. Election officials there hand-counted 25 million votes and reported the results the same day.

No machines. No mail-in ballots. No drop boxes. No mules.

In light of the Argentina election and the Taiwanese elections, it’s shocking that the United States of America, the most powerful nation in the world, cannot count the votes.

That’s why I founded the Lindell Offense Fund. Our mission is simple: End the Machines, restore Paper Ballots, Hand-Counts, and eliminate mail-in early-vote ballots.

That is how the Taiwanese stopped Communism, that is how the Argentineans stopped Socialism, this is how we can SAVE AMERICA!

2024 IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION, and LOF is committed to placing our Wireless Monitoring Devices (WMDs) in the hands of county and city election officials in order to detect if their electronic voting machines are online via a hidden network connection.

That’s why the Lindell Offense Fund launched our 2024 STOP THE STEAL CAMPAIGN.

To accomplish this huge objective, LOF must raise $500,000 in the next two weeks—by January 31—to produce and distribute our WMDs across the nation–and place them into the hands of key personnel who will monitor our elections.

Please let me hear from you right now with a generous gift to help LOF produce and distribute our WMDs>>>>

CONTRIBUTE $24 a MONTH for 2024 >>
All funds raised will support the manufacture and distribution of our WMDs to be used in the 2024 elections. Please let me hear from you today. The future of America is in our hands.

Thank you again. God bless.

Mike Lindell

Lindell Offense Fund

FrankSpeech/Lindell Offense Fund

P.O. Box 183

Hudson, WI 54016

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