Home Covid First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal

First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal

by USA Citizens Network
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First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal


Sep 2023
1 month ago

First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better – Dr. McCullough

The Vigilant Fox


• Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food
• Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food

• Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested)

Read/share the full breakdown of the detoxification protocol here:

First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better

Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

Read my articles: http://vigilantfox.substack.com

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Discover what Pfizer & the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years: https://bit.ly/PfizerBook

Unlimited supplements & telehealth visits w/ The Wellness Company for $199/month: https://bit.ly/1-Wellness

C19 Vaccine Adverse Event Recovery: https://tinyurl.com/Vax-Injury-Recovery

Take measures against shedding and the harms of spike protein with The Wellness Company’s spike support formula: https://bit.ly/Spike-Support

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