Home Editorials Editorial Part 2: Doug Mastriano: Democrats Can’t Buy Pennsylvania, Voters Know The Correct Choice

Editorial Part 2: Doug Mastriano: Democrats Can’t Buy Pennsylvania, Voters Know The Correct Choice

by USA Citizens Network
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Doug Mastriano: Democrats Can’t Buy Pennsylvania, Voters Know The Correct Choice

Doug Mastriano: Democrats Can’t Buy Pennsylvania, Voters Know The Correct Choice

This is part 2 of the editorial based on a Steve Bannon interview with Col. Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for Governor of the state of Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano: Democrats Can’t Buy Pennsylvania.

In Editorial, Part 1. , I discussed the underfunding of the Mastriano campaign compared to Shapiro who has a reportedly $40 M to 1 funding advantage over Mastriano.

Rich Barris, a conservative Pollster with a good track record, indicates that although Mastriano trails Shapiro, he is closing that gap.

Both candidates have extreme positions across the ideological spectrum on abortion, election integrity, crime, and LGBTQ rights, amongst other issues.

Undercover video EXPOSES dirty Democrat plan to win midterms. “Democrat Party plan to help “extreme” Trump-endorsed Republican candidates, including Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, win the primaries because they thought they would be easier to defeat in the general election.”

The support of Kari Lake by the Democrats has backfired in that she has a large lead over her Democratic opponent, Ms. Hobbs. Doug Mastriano is another Republican candidate who was also supported by this group.

Kari Lake has many years’ experiences as a TV news anchor. She has engaged unfriendly journalists. Col. Mastriano has not engaged with adversarial press. The Democratic plan against Kari Lake has backfired since she has a large lead over Ms. Hobbs. It has been more effective against Doug Mastriano. But his grass roots support in a heavily underfunded campaign is closing the gap between him and Shapiro.

The AD FROM KARL ROVE-FOUNDED SUPER PAC LIFTS SHAPIRO TO BASH FETTERMAN. is an example of the war that is on public display between the past and current powers within the Republican party and the populist based MAGA movement that is very much associated with Donald trump but not limited to him.

It exposes Rove and his PAC as RINO’s (Republicans in name only) and more importantly does not address the alarming concerns real people are facing across the state of Pennsylvania, and really throughout the entire nation. It paints Shapiro as a centrist and a lesser evil, rather than promoting the candidate that would promote common sense ideas and governing that might truly help people in their everyday lives.

As a guest editorial writer, I believe that citizens must feel and be safe.

They must be able to use their car for transportation to get the important daily tasks in life completed without being held up at gunpoint and getting their car stolen.

And then, when the car gets them to the grocery store, they must be able to afford to buy food for their family.

And when they stop at their baby’s pediatrician, they will not be discharged from that physician’s service because the parents don’t feel the covid vaccine is safe for their child because the Covid Shot is Irreversible and Potentially Permanently Damaging to Children.

When the mother, who is a nurse, goes to work she will not be fired because she takes ivermectin as prophylaxis against covid instead of the vaccine, and the father, who is a veteran navy seal, won’t be discharged from the navy because he has natural immunity from a covid infection and refuses the Vaccine because of potentially enhanced autoimmune reactions related to this new and inadequately tested spike protein MRNA therapeutic
as described by Dr Robert Malone, one of the inventors of the mRNA therapeutic technology.

And, after navigating all those daily hurdles, the husband and wife, the mother and father, the nurse and Nay seal, if they still have their jobs, can they afford to fill up their larger SUV’s gas tank that they purchased before the current administration took office when they could afford the price of a gallon of gasoline for their SUV to keep their new baby safe in the event of a car accident?

And, when they get home after sunset, when they go into their baby’s room, will it be warm enough so as not to endanger her life because they can’t afford to pay their heating bill to keep that room at a safe temperature?

If all of these daily challenges are overcome and/or paid in full, the couple can then sit down and have a debate with their friends about Josh Shapiro and Doug Mastriano’s very liberal and very conservatives’ positions on abortion, election administration, 2020 election, environment, gun regulation, LGBTQ rights.

Doug Mastriano is the right candidate to help Pennsylvania citizens get the tasks of daily living done in a manner that they can afford and to feel safe when they do it.

#Doug Mastriano #Democrats #Pennsylvania #PA #Pennsylvania

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