Home Covid UK vaccination, adverse reactions

UK vaccination, adverse reactions

by USA Citizens Network
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UK vaccination, adverse reactions

306,415 views as of 8/22/22

Aug 20, 2022

Dr. John Campbell
2.43M subscribers as of 8/22/22

Excess deaths remain high


UK week ending 5 August 2022

799 deaths involving COVID-19 registered (6.5%)

Down from 923 in the previous week (7.3%)

(First decrease following six weeks of increases)

Lag of three weeks between infection and dying as a result of infection

Total number of deaths registered in the UK, W/E 5 August 2022


13.9% above the five-year average

(1,480 excess deaths)

Please provide the number of deaths caused by the Covid-19 vaccination


Up to January 2022

15 deaths registered in England and Wales

10 of these deaths have ICD-10 U12.9 as the underlying cause.

no deaths registered under the age of 35.


ADR to the Yellow Card Scheme

US, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)


COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer- BioNTech vaccine analysis print

9th December 2020 to 20th April 2022


Total reactions for the drug, 488,232

Total reports, 169,660 (172,476)

Total fatal outcome reports, 747

COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca analysis print

4th January 2021 to 27th July 2022


Total reactions for the drug, 871,710

Total reports, 245,996

Total fatal outcome reports, 1,297

COVID-19 Moderna Vaccine Analysis Print

Up to 27th July 2022


Total reactions for the drug, 133,392

Total reports, 40,270

Total fatal outcome reports, 65

488,232 + 871,710 + 133,392 = 1, 493,334

747 + 1,297 + 65 = 2,109

Covid vax, yellow card summary


Yellow card, coincidental temporal correlations

May indicate over reporting,

That is ADR numbers are actually lower, less than 2,109


A report of a suspected ADR to the Yellow Card scheme does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine, only that the reporter has a suspicion it may have.

Underlying or previously undiagnosed illness unrelated to vaccination can also be factors in such reports.

The relative number and nature of reports should therefore not be used to compare the safety of the different vaccines.

Yellow card under reporting

May indicate under reporting,

That is ADR numbers are actually higher, more than 2,109

Yellow Card: please help to reverse the decline in reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions



Don’t wait for someone else to report it

It is estimated that only 10% of serious reactions,
and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported.

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