Home Election Integrity Add Your Voice to Our Petition

Add Your Voice to Our Petition


by USA Citizens Network
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GO to Frankspeech url if you want to sign the petition.

Mike Lindell

Add Your Voice to Our Petition

Sign the Petition to get rid of all voting machines. Not convinced? – click the button below to review an almost 70 page document of Dominion Voting Systems software problems.

Let your county officials know that you do not want your vote counted by an electronic voting machine and they need to move to a secure hand count paper ballot election system.

Dr. J. Alex Halderman talks About how easy election equipment is to hack

Sign The Petition

Let your county officials know that you do not want your vote counted by electronic voting machines and that they need to move to a secure hand count ballot paper ballot election system.

Are you currently a county official or an election official?

If you are an elected official and would like to learn more please fill out the following form



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